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Bone & Gum Grafting

What is Bone Graft?

It is a surgical procedure used to repair or replace lost bone due to disease, trauma or congenital jawbone defects.


What is gum graft?

It is a surgical procedure aimed to increase the amount of available gum and preventing further loss. It is used to maintain the health of your teeth and gum the long run and to improve on the cosmetic appearance of your teeth and gum.  In addition, it will facilitate other procedures that you may need immediately or in the future.

About Gum Grafts - Augmentation

Why Are Grafts Necessary?

If you have a missing tooth, it is crucial to have sufficient amount of healthy bone for implant’s placement. When a tooth is lost, the adjacent bone can also be lost due to advanced periodontal (gum) disease, previous surgery to the area or simply attrition from lack of function. The bone graft procedure provides a way to solve this problem and replace the lost bone.

What are the types of bone graft?

Many materials are used as bone graft material including the following:


  • Autograft: this mean using your own bone. The attraction of this technique that we will be using your own bone. There is no risk of rejection or reaction to a “foreign body”. However, this may involve accessing a second site of the jaw to collect the needed bone.
  • Xenograft: it is a graft material commonly collected from bovine. The graft material provides a scaffolding for your own bone to grow and mature into your own new bone
  • Allograft: this type of material is a type ofgraft is transplants bone from one person to another. The material is collected in highly regulated procedure. Allografts are carefully processed to prevent any transmission of disease and are completely safe.
  • Alloplast: this involve using total synthetic materials prepared in special labs with zero risk of disease transmissions.

Does it work?

Using this technique is highly predictable in specialist hands.  The use of your own bone and the other bony fillers are very successful.  Grafting procedures have been performed for more than a century. Second only to blood transfusions, bone is the most commonly transplanted tissue. The possibility of incompatibility of the fillers is limited to a few mild individual cases.

What is Socket Preservation technique?

Following tooth extraction, approximately 50% of the bone ridge width and some of its height can be lost within the first year. Most of this resorption takes place within the first three months after extraction. This can have negative result on future implant placement, create gaps under dental bridge or denture restoration. This would result in unsightly appearance, allows food trap and hinder oral hygiene.


Socket preservation technique utilise bone graft and occasionally gum graft will help eliminating all of the above complications. We also recommend using the PRF biological technique. It has been shown this technique with its ease of use and simple handling increased the quality enhanced the rate & quality of bone formation.


This will give you peace of mind should you elect to delay the implant procedure and keep your options open on how to replace the missing tooth.

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